Customer Protection Policy

Our Marketplace offers a 30-day ‘money-back guarantee’ for all purchases made from our Site. Please refer to the conditions for refund below :
Products sold – you can get a full refund within 30-days of your order. If you cancel your order when the vendor has not shipped out your product yet, you will get the full refund immediately. In the case where you cancel your order while the product is already on its way, you may still get a refund if you return the purchased product back to the vendor in its original state within 30-days of your initial purchase date.
Services sold – you can get a refund within 30-days of your initial purchase date. If you cancel your order when the vendor has not fulfilled the service yet, you will get the full refund immediately. If you want a refund after the service has been completed due to lack of satisfaction, please raise a refund request and we will review accordingly. Please take note that if the date of the service rendered is after 30-days from your date of purchase, it will not be covered by our money-back guarantee.
Do note that if you purchase additional offerings (products/services) from the vendor outside of our marketplace (ie. it does not generate a new purchase order), those offerings are not protected by our money-back guarantee.